Bundled payments, whereby a provider or multiple providers are reimbursed a single payment for all their services related to an episode of care, such as a surgery, rather than being paid for each individual service, are meant to reduce spending while increasing the quality of care. With the goal of reducing the volume of services provided, physicians will have to be much more deliberate and proactive in the care planning and coordination.
To learn more about the impacts bundled payments have upon physician reimbursements, I spoke with Inita Bedi, Managing Partner, Subsero. She outlined:
The traditional approach to fee-for-service healthcare reimbursements is losing it grip upon physicians, and it’s being replaced by more innovative value-based care models.
If healthcare’s fee-for-service model, where physicians are paid for each and every instance of care that they provide patients, was a patient, it would be in hospice. Its final days will be painful and scary for many in our industry, not only because its time is drawing to a close, but also because a new, unfamiliar model, value-based care, is rapidly maturing to take its place.
I had the opportunity to sit down with Neil Bedi, Managing Partner, Subsero Health, to discuss the vast and significant reimbursement changes physicians face in the very near future. Below is an excerpt of our conversation where he describes: